yesterday go out with baba~~
he wan go TM close his internet akaun~~~
den wan me bring he go~~cuz he dunnoe at where~~
n i jus noe kajang gt 1 TM~~
so~~about 11.xx~~
he cum n fecth me~~~
den go kajang~~
den call zhijian cum out~~
damn miss he~~long time no c he jor lo~~
haha~his look like so free~~
haha~~every day slp n c movie oli~~XD~~
cuz he will start the skull at AUG~
me so buzzy~~swt~~
opposite life~~haizz~~
den finish jor baba de thing~~
we dunnoe wat go where le~~
actually i wan go back home n continuous my assigment~~
but so sienzzz~~
when think wan to do the assigment~~~
den hear dao zhijian say wan go midvalley c the education fair~~
baba oso no say wat~~den we go midvalley la~~
we go by train~~~
at train chit-chat~~
bla~~bla~~bla~~all funny thing~~
reach jor midvalley~~
all sales ar~~~~~
my dear when u all free ar~~go shopping ar~~
after education fair n eat eat(kim gary)~~
den go pet wonderful world c animals~
after tat we go 'da ji chang' n c ppl play basket ball~~
baba tell me the mark is how kira de~~hehe~~
now noe jor~~so pro c dao 1 girl ply~~
we guess she got 28-30 years old~~
walaoleh~~baba say all guys no face lo~~
haha~~cuz the girl really pro~~
haha~~after tat about 5.xx~~
den we go back la~~
so late already~~
so me lazzy go dance class~~
cuz wan continuous my assigment~~
den baba fecth me go back home~
den i do my assigment~~
den my dear sms me~~
ask me wan go kajang satay ma~~
haha~~so miss my dear la~~
den i sure say ok la~~
oso not yet eat my dinner~~XD~~
den my dear about 9.xx~~
cum n fecth me~~haha~~
out again~~swt~~
nvm relax day ma~~kaka~~
den go eat eat~~
damn hungry~~~
me jus eat 5 batang satay ayam~~XD~
my dinner???haha no la~~
oso call 1 'gui diao'
but no sedap so jus eat 2 'kou'~~
den dun wan eat le~~
gv the 'gui diao' 弄到我没胃口~~
haizz~~n the satay~~no sedap too~~
den my dear say change place chit-chat~~
haha~~den we change place lo~~
(our drinks n snack~)
(roxy slippers gang~XD~ )
(blue blue colour de light~)
den continuous chit-chat den about 12.xx jus go back lo~
cuz the shop wan closed le~
den my dear fecth me back home~~
reach home me take a bath~~den contuous my assigment a while~~
so tired jor~~go slp lo~~~ZZzzZZZzzz
*+*hapi day + relax day*+*